224-hour service telephone
224-hour service telephone
2022-01-17 17:34:36 | From: Weifang Zhongmai Environmental Technology Co., Ltd | Views:750
At this stage, the drainage capacity of large cities has always attracted much attention. Durable resin concrete drainage ditches are widely used and their drainage performance can be effectively improved. Their utilization can make the flow and discharge of rainwater, sewage and domestic water more convenient and quicker, and not only beautify the appearance of drainage pipes. Therefore, resin concrete drainage ditches are recognized and trusted by more and more people.
Resin concrete drainage ditch in installation and use must first select the appropriate product type and specific location of the device according to the actual installation and use conditions, installation and use method and its surrounding geographic environment, the required bearing capacity level, etc., of course, the requirements of the users are also the reasons to be considered. Horizontal stresses in the operation of resin concrete drainage ditches should be in the concrete area, and the adjacent planes, streets, etc. should be higher than the drainage ditch installation so that better drainage can be achieved for the streets, etc.
In the course of using the resin concrete drainage ditch, when choosing the concrete arch section and paving the opposite exterior surface, for the drainage ditch with cover, it is necessary to insert the resin concrete drainage ditch cover into the ditch so as to effectively offset the stress. In order to better ensure that the resin concrete drainage ditch will not suffer mechanical damage during installation, use and utilization, the vehicle can be traveled as far as possible during construction, and the rolling drainage ditch should be prevented as far as possible when it can not be bypassed. In addition, settling basins and similar drop wells are similar to drainage ditches.