224-hour service telephone
224-hour service telephone
2022-01-17 17:33:01 | From: Weifang Zhongmai Environmental Technology Co., Ltd | Views:689
Drainage ditch needs to be equipped with cover plate during installation. Generally, the cover plate is placed after the drainage ditch is paved. So what should you pay attention to when installing the cover?
1. Excavate foundation pit and trench with sufficient width; Ensure a minimum space of 8 cm. In view of the different load-bearing classes and paving methods on the ground and the corresponding dimensional conditions, as a whole, the construction can be carried out by referring to the MIA assembly guidelines and assembly examples.
2. Arrange the construction of water outlet, usually from the well drop or other type of water inlet. When the starting and stopping position is determined, the assembly shall be carried out according to the water flow direction indicated on both sides of the ditch body. Make sure the position and mode of drainage outlet and arrange the falling well. When the position and assembly height of the drainage ditch is accurate, it is combined with the municipal well. The direction of flow from the intake assembly to the back of the groove body. Water flow direction is shown on both sides of the ditch body. For sloped ditches, the figures on the back of the ditch indicate the direction of flow).
3. In order to prevent side pressure from damaging the ditch wall during construction, the cover plate should be pre-placed on the ditch body before laying and pouring or supported by the same size of wooden board.